Week 01


The first week consisted of Andy and Karen introducing the studio to us and running us through the different assignments.
It was really cool to see the multi-screen Collaberative Ultra setup they had made, I think in a way this was an introduction to the kind of work we would be doing in this studio.


After the introductions the whole class met inside of Minecraft in a server that was designed to replicate Melbourne’s CBD. This was quite a strange experience for me, having a classroom run inside of a video game really got me thinking about the future of teaching and the formats and platforms for online education. The idea of humans living completely online scares me. I can’t help but think of the Bruce Willis movie Surrogates.


Next we were introduced to the first assignment, Re-readings. Andy and Karen showed us the book House of Leaves which the first assignment would be based around.

We also looked at a few different examples of people using video games as storytelling or performance tools.

The Pookah, 2008 Quake Friends, 2002


Andy asked everyone if they were reading a book at the moment. I might try to document what i’m reading throughout the semester and what books i’m looking at, I think this would be interesting to be able to look back on. I’m currently reading A * New * Program for Graphic Design by David Reinfurt.