Week 04


Prior to this class I had done a little bit of experimenting with type inside of Processing, I figured out how to bring typefaces in and also how to enter long form text using a TXT file (below).

This got me thinking about ways I could use the text for the major project. I think it could be interesting to not use words at all and try using spoken word of presenting the text through audio in some way. I think if we are looking at this as a new way of ‘reading’ maybe the visual element can be entirely eliminated creating a new experience of reading altogether. I think it could be really interesting to push the traditional preconceptions of what it means to read something, Because we are working in a digital space we also have the ability to not limit the text to a single language or format.

What is the opposite of reading?
What is accessible reading?
What does universal reading look like?
What comes after the Kindle?

Most of the class this week revolved around coding. Karen introduced us working with words and typography in Processing. We produced a spinning word that grew and shrunk with the mouse coordinates (a). The possibilities of interactivity with the type is something I am keen to explore further. Karen also tought us how to make a spirograph that also changed speeds depending on the mouse position (b).

a b


This week my group continued to plan and experiment for our performance of House of Leaves. We decided that we would use a text to speach program to record the text from our chapter and play it over visual we would screen record inside the game. This took a little bit of planning as we would need each scene of game play to run for the same time as the recorded speach, so we decided we would record all of the speach first and then plan the game recordings around that. We also had to cut down a lot of the text to make it fit within 5 minutes. We split the chapter into the different scenes and assigned ourselves the characters from the book to recreate as penguins.