This is an archive of some of the interesting quotes I have heard/read this semester

’As if memory alone could lift the heart like the wind lifts a wing’

―Mark Z Danielewski, House of Leaves, page 155

“Perhaps because their state of naiveté is so appealing to us, even seductive offering such a simple resolution to an enigma. Unfortunately, denial also mean ignoring the possibility of peril.

―Mark Z Danielewski, House of Leaves, page 39

“Infect someone with the love of the text”

-karen Ann Donnachie

“Anecdotes vibrating in the project”

-Stuart Bailey

“Travis Scott performing on fortnite is the same thing as an online poetry reading”


“We are not archers”

-Karen Ann Donnachie

“The internet is not a medium, it’s a collection of people”

-Karen Ann Donnachie

“You’ve jumped in a Ferrari without a drivers license”

-Karen Ann Donnachie

“Design should become radically autonomous”

-David Rudnick

“There were no clues, there were no lyrics, there was no imagery it was just a feeling”

-David Rudnick